Homemade Tortillas
- 1 3/4 C flour
- 1/2 t salt
- 1/4 t baking powder
- 3 T olive oil
- 1/2 C hot water
Combine flour, salt, and baking powder in a bowl. Stir in the oil with a spoon. Stir in hot water. Transfer to a flat surface and knead for about 30 seconds until it forms a smooth ball. Start preheating an ungreased cast iron pan to medium-high. Cut dough into 8 equal pieces. Form each piece into a smooth ball. Roll each ball super thin. (Try to use very little to no flour as this helps the dough stick to the counter a bit so it’s easier to roll thin.) Place each tortilla in the hot pan and cook about a minute, turning once. (You can press down any large bubbles.) Place under a kitchen towel. Once cool, store in an airtight bag.
Makes 8 eight-inch tortillas